Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Dry Rot

“Failed states—czarist Russia, the Weimar Republic, the former Yugoslavia—vomit up political monstrosities. We will be no different.” Chris Hedges

The state of North Dakota wants to arrest Amy Goodman
For doing her job;
Guess the folks up there haven’t heard about the 1st Amendment.

The Standing Rock Sioux are standing against the bulldozers,
Machines on one side, men and women on the other,
But the big media can’t be bothered to get off their lazy asses
And cover the story.

The Southside of Chicago is a war zone as hot as Beirut once was,
as dangerous as Sadr City or Aleppo,
But when violence is black-on-black,
America doesn’t care;
“Let them kill each other, then we’ll clean up the mess.”
Hopeless children armed to the teeth, fighting to the death
Over turf long since abandoned by those with the power to

Democracy in America withers on the vine by design. The more
Obedient, quiet and pacified the people are, the better the oligarchs
Like it.

Money is our God, war our narcotic.

Our politicians slash taxes on the wealthy and lob trillions
At the Pentagon
Decade after decade
Then blame the poor and the elderly for the budget deficit.

Morning in America means private opulence and public squalor.

The American Kool-Aid, brewed in the fevered imaginations of
Greedy capitalists, is that tax cuts and loopholes for the wealthy
Produce prosperity for everyone.
This is just one of the destructive lies that left
the bridge to the middle class in splinters.

Our brand of capitalism enriches the few and punishes the many,
ruins lives, makes men and women disposable, trashes the planet.

I pity you if you think Trump or Clinton is inclined to stop our slide; the
Dry rot in both parties is terminal, and more of the same means death.
The central banks
Of the world are out of options
When the next crash hits
2008 might look like a blip.

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