Saturday, June 24, 2017

Poet in a Bad Mood

Fuck Donald Trump.

Fuck the wealthy.

Fuck all real estate peddlers.

Fuck Amazon, you deadly behemoth.

Fuck every last Clinton Democrat.

Fuck the US system of pathological capitalism.

Fuck the greedy.

Fuck Scott Pruitt.

Fuck Jeff Sessions.

Fuck the Koch brothers and all their issue.

Fuck all the neoliberal assholes who deny America’s class war.

Fuck those who measure others by net worth.

Fuck National Review and the ghost of William F. Buckley.

Fuck Henry Kissinger.

Fuck Jamie Dimon.

Fuck Predator drones.

Fuck racism.

Fuck Nancy Pelosi and her pal Chuck Schumer.

I’m too angry for my own good, another middle-aged white man beating his fists against the high wall that divides winners and losers in the rancid American wasteland;
sold out, written off, deemed disposable, redundant, surplus to requirements;

and I’ve got it easy compared to my darker-skinned brothers and sisters, nothing much to complain about, really, but I still do;

Standing by as the country is pillaged, its soul sucked dry, its treasure poured into war and death by blind hypocrites;

Knowing only too well that no savior will rise from the ashes;

Camelot is a vagrant lot, full of weeds, old tires and broken glass;

Which way will it go, how’s it going to end, a mushroom cloud, or a rising tide under a malevolent sun?

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