Sunday, April 22, 2007

Speeding Downhill on a Dark Night

Hold on, folks, because this one will veer all over the place, like an 18-year-old kid high on Wild Turkey behind the wheel of a Hummer H2 on an icy downhill road in the black of night.

Yeah, this week felt that perilous. The shootings at Virginia Tech were horrifying enough when the story first broke, and as more details emerge the picture gets worse. Despite laws, good intentions, security procedures and evacuation plans, one armed and determined crazy willing to lose his own life can’t be stopped. That’s no solace for the families of the dead or the kids and faculty who survived, but it’s essentially true. I heard some radio talk about the shooter’s Korean ethnicity, and how discrimination – real or perceived – might have played a role in pushing the young man over the edge, but I’m not sure ethnicity had much to do with it; mental illness crosses freely between and among ethnicities, and this young Korean-American man was certainly ill.

Another eerie aspect of the VT shootings is the way digital technology – cell phones and laptops -- allowed the rest of the country, and the world, to witness the events almost as they happened, and to record those events from a variety of angles and perspectives. The number of sources and the sheer volume of information make the whole effect more chilling, though even with the benefit of all this information, we will never know with total certainty what made the young man go off. Was it a particular event, a look from a classmate, a rejection from a girl, or just the steady accumulation of perceived slights and injustices that snapped the camel’s back?

Rush Limbaugh blamed American Liberals for the massacre, though I’m hard-pressed to understand how that is possible in a society where Conservative ideology has been ascendant for nearly thirty years. Limbaugh is a pill-popping hypocrite who should join Don Imus in retirement.

The New York Times reported that Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez said, “I can’t recall,” fifty times during five hours of sworn testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. It always amazes me how men and women trained in the law, graduates of our finest universities, torture the truth once they are sworn in and placed on the hot seat. Gonzalez is clearly a lying little weasel trying to save his ass. In the same breath he accepts full responsibility and denies ever doing anything improper, and asserts that he’s in charge and completely unaware of what his subordinates are up to. "Senator, I don't have a recollection of not having a recollection about that specific meeting or any other meeting about which I have no recollection." I wonder if he can remember what he ate for breakfast yesterday morning or the last time he had sex with his wife. Does Gonzalez suffer from amnesia all the time or is his affliction merely situational?

Moving to more local issues…this will not be a restful weekend for members of the Santa Barbara School Board, faced as they are with slashing millions from the District budget next Tuesday night. The Board bought the ticket when it struck a multi-year salary agreement with the Santa Barbara Teachers Association, and now it must take the ride; the only problem is that most of the reductions on the big board suck and are sure to piss off one interest group or another. The Board’s standard fall back position – defer and delay, hire consultants and study – isn’t an option this time around, unless the Board wants to repudiate the agreement with the teachers that they approved on April 10. If you’re interested in watching a five-ring circus, check out the Board meeting at 7:00 P.M. on the 24th.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so sad what happened at VT.
I cried when I heard about the teacher that survived the Holocaust but gunned down by a deranged boy!Like the poor man did not already suffer enough at the hands of some freak!
Then the next day I recive a call from a friend I met on my Rod chat line and met in Los Angeles, her son was one of the victims. What the hell....
All the time the news stations are spending so much time on this make me want to vomit.
All they talk about were the warning signs his classmates,teachers and the people he lived with all coming out for their 15 minutes of glory. Even his grandmother called him an idiot.I truly can not watch anymore.
All I could do is cry with my friend Melissa and let her mourn on my shoulder via long distance.