Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Presidential Version Of Oprah

Where is the change Barrack Obama spoke so eloquently about when he was campaigning for the presidency? When are his actions going to measure up to his soaring rhetoric? Six months into his first term, Obama has shown that he is cool and smooth, articulate as the day is long, attuned to the political vibrations in DC and a compelling photo op when he and Michelle stroll across the White House lawn, but where’s the change, where’s the substance? Obama sneezes and his well-oiled PR machine cranks out an e-mail blast; Obama shoots hoops with inner-city kids and five million text messages are launched; Obama cracks a joke at the pyramids in Egypt and it’s on YouTube in a matter of minutes.

Obama is a wonderful show after the desolation, corruption and stupidity of the Bush-Cheney junta, but the status quo in America is still alive and thriving. Not that any but the most naive observers expected Obama to honestly challenge the status quo or deliver on his many campaign promises, for politicians rarely keep the promises they make in the heat of a campaign. And let’s not forget that the Obama Administration was behind the eight ball from Day One. Still, it’s hard to reconcile how Obama could campaign so boldly and govern so timidly; how with majorities in both houses of Congress and enormous popularity he can be cowed by the warp and wail of Rush Limbaugh and the nitwits from Fox News.

Six months into the Obama Administration, the Whacky Right, aided and abetted by a handful of pusillanimous Democrats, still control the national agenda. We can’t have a sensible discussion about creating an economic system that best meets the needs of the majority of Americans; health care reform is doomed to fail; ditto any meaningful action on the environment or energy policy; average Americans are suffering economic hardship and all the mainstream media can talk about is the stock market; nobody speaks with any intelligence about jobs and wages.

It’s depressing. A great opportunity is slipping away.

When the GOP controlled both houses of Congress they rammed their pet policies into law, stomping Democrats in the process. Tom DeLay lived to fuck Democrats in the ass, and his GOP comrades swaggered through the corridors of power like SS storm troopers. Put Democrats in the power position and they act bewildered.

Obama is the presidential version of Oprah. He makes us feel good, from time to time he makes us think, but in the end little changes. Powerful, vested interests still rule, call the shots and dictate the terms by which the majority of citizens must abide.

Yes, Barack Obama and Joe Biden are light years better than Bush and Cheney, but if that’s the standard by which we measure Obama’s success, we’re really in deep trouble.

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