Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Under the Microscope

Weird times, and no end in sight. I know it’s a bitch to fill twenty-four hours of airtime every single day, but from time-to-time the angle CNN takes on stories perplexes me. There’s the Lou Dobbs “Birther” charade, an absolute waste of time. Memo to Lou: Barack Obama was elected President of the United States. He’s been vetted. Get over it. Go back to scaring people about illegal immigrants. There’s Michael Jackson, Paula Abdul, Jon and Kate, fires and floods, bombings, drought, and corporate-sponsored protests about health insurance.

Yep, there’s no end to the weirdness, the trivia, the hyperbole and the BS. We’re a nation of idiots, spoon-fed misinformation day and night.

A day or two ago I happened to see this headline on CNN: Obama under the microscope. Three talking heads were speculating on Obama’s first eight months in office, and whether or not these months can be termed successful. One of the heads said, “It appears that President Obama has discovered that it’s one thing to win an election and another to govern the country.” Wow, bright people on CNN. I don’t remember the illegitimate Bush presidency being slipped under the CNN microscope eight months in, when all Bush had accomplished was passage of a massive tax cut for the richest Americans. Whooppee.

Remember that it was in August 2001 when Bush essentially ignored intelligence warnings that Osama bin Laden was intent on striking within the United States. Bush was too busy cutting brush on his Texas ranch to spend much time worrying about a stateless Muslim fanatic with an axe to grind against the Great Satan. The rest is, of course, history. Bin Laden struck and the nation freaked out, allowing Bush and Cheney to trash the Constitution in the name of “security.” Remember how twisted things became in the aftermath of 9/11? In order to protect our freedom and liberty, we consented to give up our freedom and liberty. Insane and misguided. We started detaining people all over the globe, some of them innocent, though we tortured many of them anyway, just to be sure they didn’t carry Bin Laden’s satellite phone number. Insane and cruel. Then we invaded and occupied a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Insane and stupid.

Obama entered the White House on a tide of hope and optimism, but trapped beneath one of the biggest Eight Ball’s in American history, a cluster-fuck of epic proportion caused by eight years of misrule; the economic system was on the brink of collapse, workers were losing jobs at a precipitous pace, retirement savings had vanished overnight due to massive fraud and manipulation, nothing worthwhile had been done on the environmental front for eight years, and we were (still are) bogged down in two failed wars. CNN has already forgotten the shitty hand Obama was dealt on Day One.

Given his near-total capitulation to Wall Street heavies however, I think some criticism of Obama’s presidency is warranted, but we must be fair and remember what the man had to work with when he assumed office.

For the good of the country in the long term, a perspective rarely taken in American politics, we need the Obama Administration to propose, and Congress to pass, real regulatory reform of the economic system, laws with enough teeth to keep the Titans of Finance on the straight, narrow and honest path, and reduce the iron-grip corporations have on the nation’s politics. Will this happen? No, we’ll get a Band-Aid instead. We also need a reorientation back toward the real economy of productive work and wages, but Obama seems deaf to the plight of working Americans – the economic system is still tilted in favor of investors and speculators and those “too big to fail.” We desperately need a complete overhaul of our health insurance system to make it more accessible, logical and humane, but the Kansas City Royals will win 110 regular season games and the World Series before that happens. We’ll get some tinkering on the margins, but nothing substantial or meaningful; millions will still be uninsured, under-insured, subject to the whims of insurance companies focused on profits rather than care.

I never thought the Obama Administration could reverse eight years of abject failure in eight months. Seems the talking heads on CNN have mistaken Obama for a magician rather than a politician.

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