Saturday, December 22, 2018

Same As It Ever Was

This is the age of razor wire and border walls
Manufactured fear of immigrants and refugees
But our rulers never ask why so many must flee
For their lives
Same as it ever was;

This is the age of endless War 
Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan
Accepted as necessary, as if there is no alternative
As if war is normal, peace an aberration
Same as it ever was;

This is the age of the rich few against the poor many,
stark inequality
Pervasive want  
Like war, accepted as inevitable
As if ordained that a handful of humans should control
Most of the world’s riches
We criminalize the poor for their misfortune
Hound them, cite them, arrest them, fine them
Blame the victims, make them pay in coin or flesh
Same as it ever was;

This is the age when Truth is impaled daily,
its rotting corpse left for all to behold on screens
Large and small
Flickering images, fleeting words
Meant to confuse, obfuscate, render meaningless
Same as it ever was;

This is the age when cruelty is policy
a migrant child dies in US custody
Her crime nothing more than being born in the wrong place
At the wrong time, with the wrong skin tone
Empires never apologize
And rarely bother to tally their victims
Same as it ever was;

This is the age when the rulers of the world dither
While Puerto Rico floods, California burns and children
Beg adults to stop fouling the air, water, and soil
In the name of profit,
But the rulers cower behind feeble declarations,
Push the problem down the road,
Capitalism must be allowed to torment the planet
For there is no other way
Same as it ever was;

This is an age that feels unique but is
We’re locked in the same old human story
Of who should rule and how
By will of God or birth or money or brute force, by
The rack, the canon, the torture chamber,
Chains of bondage,
Dangling nooses,
Dead end lives on dead end streets,
Born facing death, a foot in the grave,
Like the French masses in 1789
Russians in 1917
Egyptians in 2011
Tired of austerity and overt corruption
Of chasing the scraps left behind by the haves,
People are dangerous when they’ve got nothing
To lose
Same as it ever was and ever will


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