Monday, June 22, 2020

The Isolation/Rebellion Diaries No. 3

“The overarching fear was not economic but cultural -- the fear that somehow, black and brown people were going to replace whites.” Bakari Sellers, My Vanishing Country

Father’s Day. Another milestone on the calendar attenuated by Covid-19, the virus that came to visit and stayed because Donald Trump and our spoiled oligarchs became impatient; Trump because he needed a “strong” economy to bolster his reelection chances, and the oligarchs because losing profits is unacceptable. More than twenty states are seeing a new surge or resurgence of infections. 

By all accounts it appears that Trump’s Tulsa show flopped. Attendance was sparse, the images were lousy, and Trump and his campaign looked positively gassed. You eat the same thing morning and night and it will become bland and unsatisfying. Same old is what Trump has to offer. None of his lame bits worked. All he proved is that he can drink water from a cup.

Nearly 120,000 Americans are dead from Covid-19. 

Geoffrey Berman, ousted United States Attorney for the powerful Southern District of New York, sent a very clear message to the GOP in his rebuttal of the announcement that he had resigned. Berman, a Trump appointee let’s remember, gave Attorney General William Barr a procedural middle finger and stayed in place until Trump himself brought the hammer down. What’s up with the SDNY and its multiple investigations of Trump and Rudy G? Or was Barr’s Friday Night Massacre about a Turkish bank? Is SDNY getting close to making indictments? Was Berman signalling to the GOP that the shit coming down is bad and they’d be wise to locate the nearest floatation device? Time will tell.  We know that Barr -- who should have been impeached for dereliction of duty by now -- has long given up any pretence to be acting in the interests of justice. He’s Trump’s fixer, and when he acts, it means he’s trying to neutralize something or someone that might damage Trump. 

If there was ever a time for Republicans to find their Big Kid voices, it’s now, before Trump and Barr do further damage. It’s time for Republicans to come clean and clear and answer one question: Are you for Trump or the American Republic? They’re not one and the same. Trump stands for incompetence, corruption and death. The GOP has to choose, follow Trump into the jagged rocks or remember the lessons of kindergarten and do what’s right by the oath every last one of them swore. It’s called honor, a sense of duty, real patriotism.

How many Republicans need to step to the line and help Democrats move the blade from America’s carotid artery? Two dozen? 

Without Republican hands on deck, the Democrats alone cannot stop Trump from law breaking and self-dealing. Will Republicans enter their names in the historical record as siding with one man over the best interests of this nation? On the record, yeas and nays. What a clear moral, ethical and obvious choice: which side are you on, what flag will you congregate beneath, Trump’s or Old Glory? 

Republicans need to start humming an anti-Trump tune, warm-up their voices, be ready to join the growing chorus of disapproval for Trump and his odious crime family. Time’s running out for Trump, and as the clock winds down, the pressure builds. 

If members of the GOP believe in the oath they swore, one hand raised, the other on a Bible, surrounded by proud spouses and freshly scrubbed children, they will haul themselves from Trump’s polluted moat and raise their voices.  

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