Sunday, July 05, 2020

The Isolation/Rebellion Diaries No. 6 (4th of July edition)

“All I need's a volunteer

I'll cut you in half

While you're smilin' ear to ear

And the freedom that you sought

Driftin' like a ghost amongst the trees

This is what will be”

Bruce Springsteen, Magic

Who will be the last to die from a mistake? It’s a line from the Bruce Springsteen song, “Last to Die.” It’s a relevant question in this time of Covid-19 chaos, with Donald Trump and Mike Pence lying their way to what I hope will be eternal infamy, almost 129,000 dead, millions unemployed, rents and mortgages delinquent, and still, still, six exhausting, anxious months into this thing, no coordinated federal government response on testing, tracing, PPE, income protection for workers and families, or even the merest empathy for the dead and the grieving and the sick and the worried. 

Trump and Pence and all the Fox News blabbers have fed us a steady diet of bullshit, pie-in-the-sky false hope, and a triple helping of magical thinking. 

Trump got bored, Pence went back to praying for the end of the world. Job done. Americans should be outraged by the endless string of failures, scandals, fuck-ups, calamaties, and incompetence engineered by Donald J. Trump and his battalion of Enablers. When Trump and the rest of these jackasses take their final bow and limp or crawl off the stage, I hope we don’t spend even a minute trying to rehabilitate their images like we did with  many Confederates after the Civil War. Let them stand forever as symbols of failure, destruction, and death. 

4th of July, fuck me. The beaches are closed, fireworks cancelled, bars shuttered, movie houses dark. Except for a jog over to the high school, I haven’t left the confines of our apartment building all day. I am now acquainted with every inch of our small yard, from fence to fence. I’ve taken to placing my hands on the trunk of one of our gum trees, for reassurance, the feel of a living thing that will survive this strange time. 

Incompetence kills. Write it down, pass it on, post it on your favorite social media platform. Incompetence kills. It’s a long way to January 2021. Don’t underestimate the damage Trump, Pence, McConnell and Barr can do in the months ahead. 

Let me see if I can wrap part of my brain around recent news reports -- some of them breathless -- that Trump’s buddy, Vladimir Putin, King of Russia, offered cash to elements of the Taliban for killing American soldiers. The American media is astonished, almost apoplectic, first that Russia would bankroll the killing of our brave men & women, and second, that Donald Trump either didn’t read the carefully prepared intelligence that he was provided this past February, or that he refused to believe what he read (or more likely was told), and decided it wasn’t worth even a phone call to his friend in Moscow.  

It’s no secret that Trump admires the way Putin holds and wields and constantly expands his powers. On the other hand, I have never bought the notion that Trump is a Russian asset. Trump is far too scattered, impulsive, stupid, and undisciplined to be run as an agent. I think it’s far more probable that Donald Trump laundered money for Russian oligarchs when they looted the former Soviet Union. I think this explains why Trump is fighting the release of his tax returns in the Supreme Court, as well as why he treats Putin with such deference. The returns may show income sources, investment portfolios, but may also reveal what people like the journalist David Cay Johnston have suspected for years: that Trump never had as much wealth as he claimed.  

I’m not for war. I’ve been against the undeclared and illegal war in Afghanistan since it began. I support slashing the Pentagon budget in half. I’m just an average citizen, but I knew Afghanistan was a mistake and would end in failure. What I never suspected was that successive administrations would keep the war going for nearly 20 years, using the same litany of lies we heard during the Vietnam War: we’ve turned a corner, we must build up the Aghan troops, we’re winning hearts and minds, we just need a troop surge to finish the job, we’re making progress, the Taliban are contained, we’re meeting our strategic objectives, etc, etc. 

When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the CIA sprang into action, supplying weapons, money, training and logistical support to the Afghan mujahideen, whose first and only loyalty was to expelling the invaders without giving up any tribal advantage or territory. How many young Soviet soldiers returned to their homeland in body bags, courtesy of the American-supported mujahideen? Not a few, not hundreds, but thousands. Putin would recall the Soviet Union’s failure and humiliation in Afghanistan very well. It must be his Vietnam. The overwhelming force of a superpower defeated by a determined and unyielding guerrilla army that received plenty of help from the United States. I imagine Putin would enjoy settling that score, inflicting casualties on the US, who really have no business being in Afghanistan in 2020. We cannot win any more than our arrogant leaders can admit defeat. 

The message from the US is always the same: it’s fine when we do it, not fine when you return the favor. We’re the indispensable nation, the great beacon of liberty and freedom. Yes, our police forces routinely murder unarmed black Americans. Yes, many of our states contort themselves to disenfranchise as many voters as possible. Yes, millions of Americans cannot afford basic health care. Yes, our police spray rubber bullets and tear gas at peaceful, unarmed demonstrators. Yes, we incarcerate more people than any other nation. Yes, we erected monuments to traitors and white supremacists. But how dare anyone question our commitment to liberty!

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