Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Shameless and Lost

MAGA world is outraged about the FBI’s search of Mar-A-Lago, Donald J. Trump’s Florida home. The usual blowhards and cretins are calling it a raid, insisting that the FBI planted incriminating evidence, and that Joe Biden’s aging hands are behind it all. In less than 24 hours, the entire right-wing media apparatus is whistling the same tune, doing everything it can to discredit the FBI and DOJ, and distract from the issue at hand: that the FBI doesn’t just decide to search the residence of a former president without lawful cause and a legal warrant signed by a federal judge. The bar for a search is high to begin with, the evidence must be solid and compelling, but imagine how sure the DOJ, FBI, and the judge had to be that crimes had been, or were about to be, committed by Trump. The Feds wouldn’t go after a former president unless they had iron-clad confidence in their evidence. 

 Trump could dispel the mystery by releasing the search warrant to the press, but that would torpedo its propaganda value as well as its usefulness in duping the gullible out of hard-earned cash. Isn’t it odd that Trump, who loves to boast about his wealth, is always begging people for money? Within hours of the lawful search, supervised by one of Trump’s lawyers, and known to the former president, his Secret Service detail and others in advance, Trump was blasting email solicitations for cash. 

Like the lies, the grift never ends. 

Trump left the White House nearly twenty months ago, after his coup attempt failed. Soon after, the story broke that Trump had taken fifteen boxes of official documents, some of them containing classified information, on his way out the door, in violation of law, practice, protocol and routine. The National Archives asked for the documents to be returned in the usual manner, by having its lawyers “negotiate” the return with Trump’s legal team. This is typically how elite white-collar crime is conducted, by lawyers going back and forth and quibbling over small details and obscure points of law. All very civilized. In response Trump did as he always does, by delaying and dragging his feet, objecting, and claiming non-existent authority and privilege. Defying authority, and the law in other words, because, as any sensible person can see, Trump believes that no law, rule, regulation or edict applies to him; he alone stands above it all.  

Remember how the GOP soiled itself trying to nail Hillary Clinton for using a private email server for official business, and how it painted what happened in Benghazi, Libya as the Crime of the Century? Frothing, fulminating, bellowing, and caterwauling for months on end, wasting millions of tax dollars on pointless and fruitless investigations that proved nothing, all of which they’ve forgotten in a tidal wave of hypocrisy. Trump owns them, and they know it, so McCarthy and Rubio and even Mike Pence attempt to defend the indefensible and stand behind their Dear Leader, who is currently under investigation in New York, Atlanta, and Washington D.C. 

Do you honestly think Trump would hesitate to sell state secrets to the highest bidder? For the right price, Trump would sell Ivanka or one of his idiot sons. If he could turn a tidy profit on Melania he’d ditch her in a heartbeat. 

On his program, Background Briefing, journalist Ian Masters speculated that transcripts of Trump’s conversations with Vladimir Putin might be among the documents Trump was trying to prevent the National Archives from getting its hands on. I don’t know about this, but it sure is amusing to watch the Cult of Law & Order rise to the defense of the most vile, corrupt and criminal person to ever occupy the White House. If hypocrisy were a chicken bone, the GOP would choke to death. 

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