Monday, December 26, 2005

2005, Goodbye

2005, Goodbye

George W. Bush, “Stay the Course. We’re Winning!”
Katrina – There are poor in America, who knew?
Gas $3 a gallon
Warning: The NSA might be spying on you
Scandal masters: DeLay, Scooter, Abramoff, et al.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, the overreaching Austrian
The price of real estate
Warning: The NSA is spying on you
Milestone – 2,000 killed, and counting
Fact: Global warming is real – someone tell W and Dick
Rent, the movie
Bird flu
Intelligent Design (Translated: ignore science)
Brad & Jen, Splittsville
Chicago White Sox Sweep
Devils & Dust, “Got my finger on the trigger/but I don’t know who to trust”
The delicate soul of a good woman
The lies of a hopelessly flawed man
The unfiltered joy of two healthy children
Loss, pain, destruction
Shirtless in December, sky perfect blue
Leaves from the tree of life cut loose and soar


Anonymous said...

You've got a way, man. You hit the nail on the head, again. Look forward to reading your blog in '06.

Anonymous said...

He's got a way with what ? He's nothing more then some rich snob living in a 5 million dollar home overlooking the PAC-Ocean while the rest of us lowlife's work for a living. $10 says this guy's loaded to the hilt with coin. I'd like to see him come down at the shop where I work and see if he can deal. Am I right ? I'm right.

Anonymous said...

Dude you could not be more offf... your rocker that is.
I know him and his family personally. So where is your shop?
I will come down there myself...