Monday, March 17, 2008

Icing On Bush's Cake

Do you still believe in the Ownership Society, in the sanctity of the Free Market, in endless tax cuts, and that Government, at every level, is an evil that must be rooted out?

Last Friday, President Bush attempted to reassure financial titans that the American economy is still rosy. Bush tried to make light of the crisis engulfing the banking industry, but nobody in the audience believed him; today the DOW opened 143 points lower. Bush’s fantasies are shop-worn. It’s certain he will leave office in disgrace, with the United States stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan, the economy in disarray, and average citizens far worse off than they were when the Supreme Court installed Bush & Cheney in the White House.

Where is Grover Norquist, Newt Gingrich, Alan Greenspan, Tom DeLay, fat Rush Limbaugh and all the rest of the cheerleaders for the “permanent Republican majority?” Bush & Cheney tried their best to implement every absurd neo-con idea and look what happened?

Bush will make more jokes and gaffes today when he tries to assure Americans that the economy is fine, just suffering from a temporary setback, but he won’t be any more believable today than he was last week.

Of course, the mainstream American media is crying for the poor employees of Bear Stearns, but where was the media when those employees and Bear executives were raking in cash from sub-prime mortgages and other shady investment instruments? In the salad days, when the good money was flowing, the media had nothing but positive things to say about the American economy and the marvelous “creativity” of the Titans of Finance.

Five years in Iraq, billions poured into that mess, no end in sight. Are you still worried about “family values” and the “personal morality” of the President? How did Bill Clinton’s personal indiscretion in 1998 harm you? According to Gingrich and the other hypocrites who called for Clinton’s head, that piss-ant scandal was the worst event to befall America since Pearl Harbor, a sure sign of our moral decay and imminent collapse. Compared to the wholesale mess we’re in today, Clinton-Lewinsky was a Saturday afternoon picnic.

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