Friday, August 24, 2018

A Step Closer to the Gallows

What we know for sure is that the path to the criminal prosecution and imprisonment of the president of the United States is now clear. How it is handled will be a major test for the American system of government.” James Risen

Trump pals Manafort and Cohen are convicted and Fox News ignores the evolving story, sticks its collective head in a pile of Trump’s beautiful clean coal. Not surprising. Fox is the real fake news, a phony network that acts as the official propaganda organ of the right-wing and Donald J. Trump. But in the real world of facts, the noose is clearly tightening around Trump’s fat white neck. His former campaign manager and his lawyer/confidant/fixer face jail time, and that bleak future usually renders people quite cooperative. Sing, men, sing.

Day by day the sleaze oozes out of the White House, drips down the front steps, and streams toward the gutter. Trump’s criminal gang falls like dominoes. Who will be next? I’m old enough to remember Watergate, Nixon, the cover up, All the President’s Men, John Dean, Erlichman and Halderman, the web of lies, how the unraveling gathered speed and ended with Nixon waving like a spastic from the helicopter that carried him away. What’s happening with Trump is much worse. Not only is Trump an ignorant douchebag, he’s an odious human being, a liar and a grifter. If hell exists, Trump is headed there, express ticket, non-stop. He has debased his office, insulted the world, and divided this country.

Though Trump is marching them to the edge of the precipice, the lapdogs and sycophants of the GOP, having forgotten their oath of office and obligations under the Constitution, stand by their man. Trump says bend over, they do; Trump says spread your cheeks, they do. The Party of Lincoln. Sorry, Abraham, poor sod. When will Republican members of congress find their spines and turn on Trump? How much more water does the ship need to take on before the rats sprint for the exits?

Of course, the Trump spin machine is now on overdrive, denying and deflecting and dissembling and defending, insisting that there is no crime, no collusion, no campaign finance violation, even though Cohen copped to two counts of federal election violations. “Nothing to do with campaign finance,” Trump says. “I don’t know Cohen that well. Hardly know him, rarely talked to him. Might not be able to pick him out of a police lineup.” The detestable Huckabee Sanders ridicules media questions, regurgitates Trump’s ludicrous denials, and the machine spins on, black is white, 1+1=4, coal burns clean, and the economy of West Virginia is the envy of America. Here’s what the Orange Menace said to Fox News:

“I don't know how you can impeach somebody who has done a great job,” Mr Trump told Fox News. “I will tell you what, if I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash. I think everybody would be very poor because, without this thinking, you would see – you would see numbers that you wouldn't believe, in reverse.”

Great job? The market would crash? I’ve said it before, but I have to say it again, the President of the United States of America is a fucking imbecile. There’s no point in even deconstructing his comments.

What happened to us, to America, a country that has been occasionally good but never, ever great? How in the world have we fallen so far so fast? Or does it only feel fast? Capital has been on the ascendancy for 40 years, buying politicians to write laws in their favor, chipping away at the welfare state and New Deal institutions, labor unions, environmental regulations, shifting manufacturing to low-wage nations, freeing capital from restraint, packing the federal courts with corporate-friendly judges; little by little amassing more power, more control in fewer hands, always a recipe for tyranny. Facebook, Amazon, Google, Boeing, Goldman Sachs. A corporate coup, as Chris Hedges might say.

And so it goes in Trump’s capitalist wasteland.

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