Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Lie-Fest 2019

“We read to remember. We read to forget. We read to make ourselves and remake ourselves and save ourselves.”  Maria Popova

The economy is fantastic thanks to our rollback of useless regulations. Manufacturing jobs are flocking back to our great country by the millions. Eight beautiful new steel mills have been built and are producing gorgeous American-made steel. Oil and gas exploration is off the charts. Our healthcare system is the best on the planet. We gave the middle-class the largest tax cut in history. Foreign leaders now know without any doubt that America is back, that we are strong and getting stronger, that our military is the greatest and our airplanes the fastest. We have great relationships with our allies, including the magnificent nation of Saudi Arabia. In two years my brilliant administration has accomplished more than any administration in American history, and we’ve done it by following the highest ethical standards. America is winning on every front, every single day and when we have border security...when we stop the flow of drugs, murderers and terrorists who stream across our southern border...

I know how Trump’s turn in the spotlight will go. If he manages to read from the teleprompter he might, maybe, make more sense than he does when speaking extemporaneously. The Republicans in the House chamber will have been instructed by their leaders to clap raucously, no matter what drivel comes out of Trump’s mouth and to rise to their feet on cue. Democrats will likely sit very quietly, hands in their laps (or covering their eyes). Nancy Pelosi will stare at the back of Trump’s head, searching for clues to his comb-over. Others will stare at their phones, pissed at having to bear witness to an empty spectacle, in the company of a lazy, incompetent, brutish and cruel man with a dead soul. They will wonder how much longer  this will go on. How many lies can one man tell in less than an hour? Do those people across the aisle, mostly men, mostly white, believe anything he says? Ninety-two percent of political life is pure bullshit, benign lies, words designed to sound substantial but evaporate like morning dew, fake smiles and false promises. I feel your pain tripe, I’m with you, you have my support. This guy is 100% Grade A bullshit. On his best day he’s barely coherent. He doesn’t read! He trusts no one! My toddler has a longer attention span. What do the Russians have on him? It can’t be a pee tape, that wouldn’t embarrass him in the least. Has to be money, dirty money that came to Trump for a wash. American banks cut him off, remember, because he ran every one of his ventures into the ground. Jesus Christ, Trump couldn’t make money in the casino racket, what does that tell you? He’s still talking, how can he still be talking, and about what? How can this guy be president? Who turned the world upside down?

I won’t be watching. I’d rather watch an iron pipe oxidize. We need to turn Trump off, kill the microphone and the lights, and simply ignore him, let him wither like a vine in need of sunlight.

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